We’ve re-designed the BioJS registry

We’ve had two fantastic Google Summer of Code students, Sarthak Sehgal and Megh Thakkar, working with us for the last few months. Over this time they’ve completely redesigned both the look (implemented in Vue) and backend of the BioJS component registry. We’re extremely proud to announce that the new site will be launching today (16 September 2018).

We’ll also be migrating our domains slightly to reduce maintenance burden. Please be patient if you notice glitches over the next couple of days while DNS records update.

Here’s what will change:

  • biojs.net and biojs.io will both point to the new registry. There will no longer be a homepage separate to the registry.
  • The BioJS blog will live at blog.biojs.net. This is hosted on GitHub using GitHub pages, which should allow anyone to make PRs to add blog posts if they wish (Do you use or create BioJS components? We’d love to host a guest post of yours!)

Special thank-yous to the people who made this happen!

Several people deserve a huge thanks for the effort they’ve put in to getting this out there. Megh and Sarthak did the bulk of the implementation, under guidance from their awesome mentors Dennis Schwartz and Rowland Mosbergen. Also, special thanks to the Open Bioinformatics Foundation for allowing us to participate in Google Summer of Code under their umbrella organisation!