Week 3 consisted of finalizing the management command for the cron job and testing it on the prototype server, setting up TravosCI and integrating the component details view.
There’s a famous quote, “Whenever you are tempted to type something into a print statement or a debugger expression, write it as a test instead.” With this in mind, this week was mainly aimed at setting up the testing environment.
This week’s progress
Tasks completed in week 4
- Component details page is integrated. Example of cytoscape.
- Django tests for testing database models as well as views(will be continued in the next week as well)
# Tests for Database Models
class ComponentModelTest(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
# Called initially when test is executed, create object to be used by test methods
Component.objects.create(name='@test/component', author='test_author')
# Test max length of name
def test_name_max_length(self):
component = Component.objects.get(id=1)
max_length = component._meta.get_field('name').max_length
self.assertEquals(max_length, 100)
# Test if url_name is a Slug Field
def test_url_name(self):
component = Component.objects.get(id=1)
url_name = component.url_name
self.assertTrue(re.match('[-\w]+', url_name))
# Test max length of author name
def test_author_max_length(self):
component = Component.objects.get(id=1)
max_length = component._meta.get_field('author').max_length
self.assertEquals(max_length, 200)
class TagModelTest(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
# Called initially when test is executed, create object to be used by test methods
# Test max length of name
def test_name_max_length(self):
tag = Tag.objects.get(id=1)
max_length = tag._meta.get_field('name').max_length
self.assertEquals(max_length, 50)
class ContributorModelTest(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
# Called initially when test is executed, create object to be used by test methods
# Test max length of name
def test_name_max_length(self):
contributor = Contributor.objects.get(id=1)
max_length = contributor._meta.get_field('username').max_length
self.assertEquals(max_length, 100)
# Tests for Views(To be completed)
class IndexViewTest(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
# Called initially when test is executed, create objects to be used by test methods
# create 10 random objects
number_of_components = 10
for component_no in range(number_of_components):
Component.objects.create(name='component'+str(component_no), downloads=random.randint(0,50), stars=random.randint(0,50), modified_time=pytz.utc.localize(
# sleep(0.5)
def test_view_url_exists_at_desired_location(self):
response = self.client.get('/')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
def test_view_accessible_by_name(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('main:index'))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Tests whether the relevant keys are present in the json response and length of each list is maximum 3
def test_relevance_of_response(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('main:index'))
self.assertTrue('most_recent_components' in response.json())
self.assertTrue('top_dl_components' in response.json())
self.assertTrue('top_starred_components' in response.json())
# Test if all the required fields are present in the response
for object in response.json()['most_recent_components']:
self.assertTrue('name' in object and
'property' in object and
'id' in object and
'url_name' in object
for object in response.json()['top_dl_components']:
self.assertTrue('name' in object and
'property' in object and
'id' in object and
'url_name' in object
for object in response.json()['top_starred_components']:
self.assertTrue('name' in object and
'property' in object and
'id' in object and
'url_name' in object
class TopComponentViewTest(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
# Called initially when test is executed, create objects to be used by test methods
# create 10 random objects
number_of_components = 20
for component_no in range(number_of_components):
Component.objects.create(name='component'+str(component_no), downloads=random.randint(0,50), stars=random.randint(0,50), modified_time=pytz.utc.localize(
# sleep(0.5)
def test_view_url_exists_at_desired_location(self):
response = self.client.get('/top/')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
def test_view_accessible_by_name(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('main:top_components'))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Tests whether the relevant keys are present in the json response and length of each list is maximum 10
def test_relevance_of_response(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('main:top_components'))
self.assertTrue('top_components' in response.json())
# Test if all the required fields are present in the response
for object in response.json()['top_components']:
'name' in object and
'tags' in object and
'icon_url' in object and
'downloads' in object and
'stars' in object and
'modified_time' in object and
'short_description' in object and
'id' in object and
'url_name' in object and
'author' in object
class AllComponentViewTest(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
# Called initially when test is executed, create objects to be used by test methods
# create 20 random objects
number_of_components = 20
for component_no in range(number_of_components):
Component.objects.create(name='component'+str(component_no), downloads=random.randint(0,50), stars=random.randint(0,50), modified_time=pytz.utc.localize(
# sleep(0.5)
def test_view_url_exists_at_desired_location(self):
response = self.client.get('/all/')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
def test_view_accessible_by_name(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('main:all_components'))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Tests whether the relevant keys are present in the json response and length of response list is same as number of components in database
def test_relevance_of_response(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('main:all_components'))
self.assertTrue('all_components' in response.json())
self.assertEqual(len(response.json()['all_components']), Component.objects.all().count())
# Test if all the required fields are present in the response
for object in response.json()['all_components']:
'name' in object and
'tags' in object and
'id' in object and
'url_name' in object
class DetailComponentViewTest(TestCase):
def setUpTestData(cls):
# Called initially when test is executed, create objects to be used by test methods
# create a random object
hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11'}
req = urllib2.Request("", headers=hdr)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data = json.load(response)
for component in data['objects']:
component_data = component['package']
_component = Component.objects.create(name=component_data['name'])
_component.version = component_data['version']
_component.short_description = component_data['description']
tags = component_data['keywords']
tags = []
for tag in tags:
_tag = Tag.objects.get(name=tag)
_tag = Tag.objects.create(name=tag)
if not _tag in _component.tags.all():
str_date = component_data['date']
req_date = datetime.strptime(str_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") #This object is timezone unaware
aware_date = pytz.utc.localize(req_date) #This object is now timezone aware
_component.modified_time = aware_date
_component.npm_url = component_data['links']['npm']
_component.homepage_url = component_data['links']['homepage']
github_url = component_data['links']['repository']
url_list = github_url.split('/')
_component.github_url = '' + str(url_list[3]) + '/' + str(url_list[4])
try: = component_data['author']['name']
_component.author_email = component_data['author']['email']
if _component.github_url:
response = urllib.urlopen(_component.github_url)
github_data = json.load(response)
_component.stars = github_data['stargazers_count']
_component.forks = github_data['forks']
_component.watchers = github_data['watchers']
_component.icon_url = github_data['owner']['avatar_url']
_component.open_issues = github_data['open_issues']
_component.license = github_data['license']['name']
str_date = github_data['created_at']
req_date = datetime.strptime(str_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") #This object is timezone unaware
aware_date = pytz.utc.localize(req_date) #This object is now timezone aware
_component.created_time = aware_date
contributors_data = json.load(urllib.urlopen(str(github_data['contributors_url'])))
commits = 0
count = 0
for contributor in contributors_data:
_contributor = Contributor.objects.get(username=contributor["login"])
_contributor = Contributor.objects.create(username=contributor["login"], avatar_url=contributor["avatar_url"])
_contribution = Contribution.objects.get(component=_component, contributor=_contributor)
_contribution.contributions = contributor["contributions"]
_contribution = Contribution.objects.create(component=_component, contributor=_contributor, contributions=contributor["contributions"])
commits += _contribution.contributions
count +=1
response = urllib.urlopen(github_data['downloads_url'])
downloads = 0
data = ast.literal_eval(
for download in data:
downloads += int(download['download_count'])
_component.downloads = downloads
_component.commits = commits
_component.no_of_contributors = count
def test_view_url_exists_at_desired_location(self):
response = self.client.get('/details/biojs-vis-rohart-msc-test/')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
def test_view_accessible_by_name(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('main:component_details', kwargs={'url_name':'biojs-vis-rohart-msc-test'}))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Tests whether the relevant keys are present in the json response and length of response list is same as number of components in database
def test_relevance_of_response(self):
response = self.client.get(reverse('main:component_details', kwargs={'url_name':'biojs-vis-rohart-msc-test'}))
self.assertTrue('details' in response.json())
# Test if all the required fields are present in the response
object = response.json()['details']
'name' in object and
'tags' in object and
'stars' in object and
'downloads' in object and
'created_time' in object and
'modified_time' in object and
'icon_url' in object and
'github_url' in object and
'short_description' in object and
'url_name' in object and
'commits' in object and
'forks' in object and
'watchers' in object and
'no_of_contributors' in object and
'open_issues' in object and
'version' in object and
'author' in object and
'license' in object
# check if number of commits >= 50, from the time the tests were initiated
### As number of stars, watchers might go down in the future so they haven't been tested
self.assertTrue(int(response.json()['details']['commits']) >= 50)
# modified date should be after created date
self.assertTrue(response.json()['details']['created_time'] <= response.json()['details']['modified_time'])
# check if number of contributors is same as contributors added
self.assertEqual(response.json()['details']['no_of_contributors'], Contribution.objects.filter(component=Component.objects.get(name='biojs-vis-rohart-msc-test')).count())
self.assertEqual(response.json()['details']['no_of_contributors'], len(response.json()['contributors']))
for object in response.json()['contributors']:
'contributor' in object and
'contributions' in object and
'id' in object
contributor_details = object['contributor']
'username' in contributor_details and
'avatar_url' in contributor_details
- Basic configuration of Redis done after discussing with the mentors.
"default": {
"BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
"LOCATION": "redis://",
"CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient",
Minutes of the meeting (weekly call on Sunday) and some general to-dos:
- Decide upon setting up a benchmark component, with contributors being members of BioJS organization, details of which can be effectively used to carry out tests for the Github API.
- Once the DNS is configured for, add it’s link in the navbar of the blog.
Goals for week 5(In order of priority)
- Optimization of Component slicing/filtering queries.
- Look for ways to optimize the Search API with queries to the database.
- Continue with django-redis.
The latest version of the website can be found here.